Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dr. Cummings........ my modern day miracle

So, we have approached week 10 of this pregnancy. I'm still sick all day long (some days worse than others), but that's a sign of lots of hormones right? (Smile) Atleast that's what I say to myself!

Two weeks ago, I selected my new OBGYN. I really haven't had one I liked a lot since Madilyn was born.....BUT

Laurie has been telling me for years that IF I ever got pregnant again I just had to go and see Dr. Cummings. (She saw him in seminar at a midwifery conference a while back.)

So, miracle number one was getting a consult with him. He is planning to retire and not taking new patients. When I was in the office with him he mentioned that he had received a phone call from someone stating that he really should consider taking me on as a patient. This was BEFORE I even made the appointment!

We talked for 30min or more and he graciously explained all my options and answered my questions....

He sees no reason why I can't have a natural childbirth instead of my 5th csection!

I'm absolutely beyond excited! To top it off I had a sonogram a few days later and could see our little Elvis' (dubbed affectionately by Vince of course) heartbeat. Looks more like a puffy Cheeto than an Elvis to me.... but I'm not up to arguing.

God is So Amazing!

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