Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve

We spent our New Years Eve as we always do.....Ring in the New Year in church. Its a lot of fun. We have testimonies and "sermonettes" from folks in our congregation then fight with each other over Spoons...or other games.

Its good food, good laughs, and our favorite way to start a New Year.

Hope you all had a good safe one!


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Happy New Year! Our's wasn't nearly as exciting...McDonald's take out and watching Dick Clark. I fell asleep on the couch. Woo hoo!

Jill said...

Sounds fun. Happy New Year! I got a new camera for Christmas so I'm going to go to Wolf to take the free classes on Saturdays. My sister and I took pictures for each other. I'm sure your skills would have been much better!